A Mother’s day commission

This year, I had an amazing opportunity to create a beautiful painting for a client. It was a heartfelt picture of his wife, daughter, and son enjoying a holiday at the beach. He wanted it to be a special Mother's Day gift for his wife, so I had about 6 weeks to finish it.

The original photograph was horizontal and not quite the right composition for a square canvas if I was to recreate it exactly, so I cropped it in a bit and rearranged the subjects very slightly to make it more balanced for a square canvas. I love square canvases - I think they're compact and go well in any space. Or maybe I'm just a child of Instagram, who knows.

The warm embrace of a mother and son is something I can certainly connect with, being a mom to two boys myself. But the star of the show is without a doubt the sweet little girl and her stick. While I painted, I imagined her wandering curiously around until she found the perfect stick and had to take it home with her. I wanted to capture her quiet wonderment most of all.

I'm very happy with how this one turned out and was a little sad to see it go- how funny that works. Every project is just a request until you create something that didn't exist before- and then you feel a little loss when you see it leave the easel and go to it's rightful home. I hope this piece is enjoyed for generations by this beautiful family. <3